Land Cruisers on Tour
What's all this? A couple of tiady-looking males (albeit somewhat woolly) doing a skull-thumping head-to-head, with the aim of getting all the girls (also woolly). A great slab of gritstone, known as the Eagle Stone, which the local young men had to climb prior to wedding the girl of their choice. A cloud arch over the valley. Had we stepped onto the set of the latest David Attenborough production? No, it's just the HOEOCA Land
Published 10:44 on 24 May 2024
HOT HOT HOT goes East 2024
Travelling via several Middle Eastern hubs and (some) visiting various exotic locations en route, 16 intrepid travellers from HOEOCA convened in the heat at Phuket Yacht Haven on 13 March 2024. We were to join a flotilla organised by Seafarer Flotilla and Sailing Holidays although saw nothing of them until the following day. In the meantime, we liaised with the charter companies and, as advised, visited the Tesco/Lotus supermarket by taxi to undertake
Published 06:55 on 24 May 2024